Sign Up & Using Docstagram

Welcome to Docstagram, this document will help you with sign up and troubleshoot any issues you are having with your account or signing up

In order to Sign Up with your account, you will need your email address & a contact number to start with. This helps us with verifying your account and avoid unnecessary duplications of the same account. In order to sign up with Docstagram, you simply have to click on the Create Account button after opening the app for the first time. Follow below steps to create an account –

  1. Click on Create Account button
  2. Input details like your Full Name, Email address which will be used to contact you, active mobile number and the password.
Please Note : Password must be greater than 8 characters and must have at least 1 capital letter, 1 small letter, 1 number and 1 special character.

3. Click on create account to continue.

You should now receive an email with your One time password (OTP) on your provided email address. Please input that on the next screen to continue.

What are your feelings
Updated on March 17, 2024